Chapter XLIX
Contractual Obligations
The contract comes from the Estate Lawyers aka the Damn attorneys.
Your basic prenuptial goes something like what's yours is yours
and what's mine is mine in case of divorce. Not what is needed
for a Cassadine marriage. There is no provision in a Cassadine
marriage contract for divorce.
In many ways it more resembles a feudal contract between the
families. It outlines what properties from the estate go with
Alexis into the marriage. Which properties come to the Cassadines...
a formality really since Stavros had already taken the companies
while Jax was chasing his tail down in South America and the
companies given to Jax were already in his possession from his
assault on the Estate while Helena had been in charge.
A suitable home in Port Charles, New York, that would come to
Alexis in case something happened to Jax along with an income to
support her and ensure her health and well being for the rest of
her natural life. Incase of premature death, all of Jax's
properties obtained prior to the marriage would revert to his
family. All properties obtained during the course of the marriage
would be inherited by the eldest male child of the union. The
marriage has no benefit really to the Cassadine, and nothing to
gain until there is a child.
Incase of Alexis premature death, all of the dower properties
revert to the Cassadine unless there is a child of the union. The
child inherits the dower properties and the house. If there is
more than one child the eldest child inherits from his father and
the younger children split the dower properties. The contract
goes on to discuss the upbringing of the children as far as their
religious training and education. This is where Stavros slips in
the stipulation about Jax not seeking comfort outside of the
marriage bed until the legitimate line has been assured. And
outlines Alexis' duties as being only what Jax gives her and thus
him being responsible for her actions in and out of the marriage.
Attached to the contract is the list of every holding that Jax
has in total or in part-- a statement of his net worth. It is
detailed and current up to and including the mini sub that Jax
won from Thaao in Gstaad. Also attached to the contract is a
detailed listing of Alexis' net worth to the penny from all of
her investments and accounts.
The contract arrives by messenger to Jax's suite at the Port
Charles Hotel the next morning after Jax had emailed off the
details of the house and a picture. Jax had been about to leave
when the knock on the door had derailed that plan. Settling back
on the couch, he opens up the contract on the coffee table and
starts going through it. "This has got to be a joke."
He mutters. "This is a joke." He starts thumbing
through the pages of the contract and there are pages and pages.
Then he gets to the list of his holdings and can tell they are
both accurate and invasive.
That gets his attention and he goes back to the beginning. Sure
this thing looked like something out of the dark ages even if the
attorneys used modern spelling and a printer rather than a monk,
goose quills, sheepskin parchment and india ink. Jax finds the
points in the contract that had been detailed in his conversation
with Stavros in Gstaad and isn't surprised by them... maybe
embarrassed hoping nobody outside the family ever gets hold of
this thing.
Where the hell is the other shoe? So far Stavros gets nothing out
of this. Nothing he didn't already have. Hell Alexis didn't get
anything out of it except him. "Where is the kicker?"
The first part of the contract had named off the properties
already exchanged as being basically dower and bride price. But
there it is... a property to be named later. "What are you
up to you son of a bitch?" Jax mutters and goes thru the
contract looking for it. There was no way Stavros would expect
him to sign such an open ended agreement. Even if Jax knew he
would to get Alexis away from Cassadine. And the property to be
named later had to be right there in plain sight. Then he finds
it. That contract is separate from the marriage contract.
... The property previously referred to as the
property to be named later shall in future be referred
to as all shares in ELQ, a publically held multinational
corporation, based in Port Charles, New York held by Jasper Jacks.
The shares ownership shall be transferred from Jasper Jack to
Prince Stavros Cassadine, DBA Cassadine Enterprises, in their
entirety prior to the nuptials of Jasper Jack and Natasha Alexis
Davidovich Cassadine. Both parties agree to the confidentiality
of the transfer until after the nuptials....
Jax leans back against the couch. What is Stavros up to? Then he
realizes. Carly. This is about Carly and the Quartermaines.
Cassadine wants a lever to protect his little bird from her
former in-laws. Lever hell. He's going for a sledgehammer and one
coming out of the blue with no warning. The Quartermaines would
never know what hit them. "Damn." The decent thing to
do would be to warn them. Warn Ned. But that would endanger
Alexis and compromise this chance to get her free. Hell.
Jax pulls out a pen and flips back to the marriage contract. One
the last page is the line for him to sign. Space for two
signatures. His and Stavros. Jax winces. Alexis didn't even get
to the option of signing her life away; Stavros would do it for
her. Jax signs with a firm hand and then signs the separate
contract as well.
Going back over to the door he opens it and isn't surprised when
he sees the same messenger standing there even though it has
taken over an hour for him to go through all the dotted i's and
crossed t's. He hands the messenger the signed contracts and then
shuts the door. Going over to the laptop on the desk, he emails
Stavros that the contracts are signed and on their way back to
him. Hesitating even though it's too late now... finally Jax hits
"Anyone ever tell you you're a bitch?!" Gia groans.
She'd blocked out how different shoots were with Carly in charge
than Laura. Carly had something going on in her head and was
never satisfied until convinced it had been conveyed to film.
Laura just showed up for a quick peptalk and then headed back to
the upper offices. She worked from the finished pictures--picking
the best ones.
"All the time." Carly says cheerfully. "Come on
don't wimp on me now. You wanted this remember? Face of Deception.
Modeling. Hot clothes. Good money. Prestiege. You remember all
the glamour? One more outfit." Carly passes an outfit into
the backseat of the car where Gia is laying on the backseat and
changing clothes.
"Hold that thought, Carly. We're losing light." Lucky
interjects from outside the car where he is standing guard so
nobody passing by would be catching a peek of the FOD in her
undies. "And I'm down to the last roll of film." Lucky
had taken some pictures with the digital but he can get better
quality with the high speed film he's using.
"Thank you, GOD! All I want to do is go back to the hotel
and soak in a steaming hot tub for hours." Instead of
the outfit that Carly had passed back to her, Gia starts
wriggling into her jeans.
Carly straightens. "What a fabulous thought. You're a genius."
Carly climbs out of the car. "I'll meet you and Gia back at
your cottage, Lucky."
Gia sticks her head out the window. "Carly? What the hell?"
"The hotel! Meet me at the hotel!" Carly breaks into a
run heading back in the direction of the Four Seasons.
"Do you have any idea?" Lucky asks.
"Nope. But she's stuck you with paying the hair and makeup
gal." Gia ducks her head back in the car and rolls up the
window with a towel stuck in it.
Lucky groans when he realizes Gia is right. He walks over to the
gal had found at a beauty school and checked out for the day.
The girl shakes her head. "No. Carly has already taken care
of everything... except..."
"The pictures. I need copies of the pictures for my
portfolio. She promised."
"That's all?" Lucky gets suspicious. He wouldn't put it
past his cousin to take advantage. "How much did Carly pay
"She bought me this case." The girl runs her hand
lovingly over the professional sized leather make up case. "And
everything in it. The makeup, the brushes. With this and the
pictures... I will be able to work once I graduate."
"Get in." Lucky says gruffly. Okay so Carly wasn't
quite the bitch Gia claimed... all the time.
"We're packing it in for the day. If you want I can print
you up some pictures tonight."
Nikolas knocks on the door to Stavros and Carly's suite at the
Milan Four Season's Hotel. Stavros answers. "Son."
"Father. May I?"
"Of course come in." Stavros steps back.
"Where is Michael?"
"We have fallen into a... routine. While Carly and I conduct
business Michael conducts his own." Stavros then adds dryly.
"He is working on his classwork with his tutor. I thought
you would be with Gia?"
"I've been banished from the shoot." Nik shakes his
head. "Gia and Carly showed up at Lucky's suite with
everything they need to get the shoot done and kicked me out as
being a distraction."
Stavros frowns. This is not what he'd planned. His son and Gia
were suppose to be spending time together. Resolving their
differences. "I will speak to Caroline this evening. It is
"No. You won't." Nikolas counters. "I'm fine with
this." Stavros just looks at him. "Okay. I'm not fine
with it. But this is the way things are now. I agreed to give Gia
space... time to figure out that I'm not going to hurt her again."
Stavros shakes his head. "No. You are handling it all wrong!
How is space going to solve things? You need to settle your
differences now! Take her to Greece and convince her of
your sincerity."
Nikolas laughs. "That is not going to work. And don't think
I haven't thought of it. Many, many times in the middle of the
night when I am sleeping alone and find myself reaching out. I
guess I am my father's son afterall."
"And this troubles you?"
"Oh hell yeah. You say take her to Greece. 99.99 % of the
world would call that kidnapping. And not the way to settle
things. I can't give into the temptation. I can think about it. I
can dream about it, but I can't give into it."
"You love Gia. Gia loves you. I don't see a problem."
Stavros shrugs.
"But there are problems. Problems that I allowed to
interfere in my relationship with Gia. Things I didn't do right
the first time and I have to get right this time. Elizabeth was
one of them. Deception is another. I'm dealing with those."
Nikolas goes over to the french doors that lead to the balcony.
He stares out into the distance but doesn't see the view. "And
then there is me."
"Tell me." Stavros demands quietly.
"Bobbie says I sabotaged me and Gia. That I always thought
she'd leave me and forced her into fulfilling my own prophecy."
Nikolas looks over his shoulder at his father. "You aren't
denying it. You aren't telling me that I was a saint and Gia was
a fool for leaving me. You aren't saying that Bobbie is butting
her nose in where she has no business. And you aren't surprised.
Did Bobbie talk to you?"
"Your uncle's wife is... not pleased with me." Stavros
says wryly. "She does not initiate conversations that do not
involve Caroline or her grandson. It is easy to see where
Caroline gets her stubborness and temper. I suppose I could
demand my right as your father to have my say but it's done
little good so far and the years separation have taken their toll.
I love you. You are my son and reason for being but that is what
is in my heart. What has been in my heart from when I held you on
the day you were born and every day since. For me that seems only
hours ago. But for you it has been decades. Decades of making
your own path of growing into the man you are today."
Stavros gets back on topic. "Cassadine relationships are...
Nikolas snorts. "Oh yeah, understatement there."
"Do you believe you sabotaged your relationship? That you
forced Gia to leave you?"
Nik turns back to the french doors. "Yes."
"And that it cannot be resolved between the two of you if
you were given time and space?"
"The problems between me and Gia were never really about us.
Being alone wouldn't solve things." Nikolas says resolutely.
"The problem is the world around us and the way I reacted to
"Taking everyone's word before Gia's."
"Yes! Gia has to see that it isn't going to be like that
anymore. She has to trust me."
"And you have a plan."
"I have to show her not tell her that things are going to be
different and that is going to take time. And space."
"But not too much space." Stavros counters.
"Not too much space." Nikolas agrees. "She is
always going to know I love her and plan to marry her. We're just
going to take some time."
"Know that you have my support... however you want to handle
"Thank you." Nikolas sighs and turns around. "I
wish I could say the same about you."
"Excuse me?"
"Mother? The Spencers? Alexis? Stefan? What are you up to,
"It is Estate business. And none of yours unless you mean to
make it so." Stavros warns.
"She's my mother."
"She's my wife."
"What about Carly?" Nikolas doesn't want to get into
the whole Laura being married to another.
"Caroline and I have an understanding. She knew going in
that I am married. And that Cassadines do not divorce."
Nikolas winces. "You should really rethink that divorce
thing. It would make your life a whole lot easier. Laura never
made you happy. Hell you ended up dead because you didn't give
yourself the option of divorce. Carly at least makes you happy.
She accepts you. You have fun with her. I can see that. Why hold
on to something that isn't working?"
"And when you and Gia are wed you want the option of
Divorce? It will enhance your marriage how?"
"No, of course not. That's why we have to get it right now.
Why we have to take the time now because I'm going to be with Gia
forever, love Gia forever."
"Yes, because Cassadines don't divorce. It is not in our
nature, son. It isn't just a saying. It is who we are. Stefan
can't seem to get that in his little pea brain. It isn't just a
tradition. There is one person out there for us and when we find
them we marry them."
"Bobbie and Stefan are divorced."
"And has either of them married another since the nuptials
that they shared?"
"No. Both of them came close but no."
"That's because they aren't divorced. They are married."
Stavros points to his head. "Whatever they tell themselves
here, whatever paperwork says otherwise, cannot overcome what is
here." Stavros puts a closed fist to his gut. "I would
never have approved the union between Barbara and Stefan. She is
unsuitable with her checkered past and unsavory connections."
Stavros adds grudgingly. "But it works. My brother is a
stick in the mud. Always with his nose in a book, too serious,
too..." Stavros searches for a word. "...superior not
only to the rest of the world but to the rest of the family as
well. He has the disposition of a monk or martyr of old. Barbara
tempers those tendencies. It is a good match."
"And that is why you are forcing Alexis to marry Jax? Why
you kidnapped Alexis and are isolating her away from her friends
and family? Why do you hate her so much?" Nikolas blurts out.
"Her mother destroyed my family much as Luke Spencer
destroyed yours." Stavros says flatly. "Seducing my
father away from his true family, spreading her thighs. Mikkos
was distracted from his wife and sons by an upstart whore who
didn't know and keep her place. Natasha and her bastard sister
were tools to Kristin to bind Mikkos to her and away from his
family. Just as Lucky and his sister were tools used by Luke
Spencer to keep your mother from you."
Nikolas shakes his head denying all of it. "I love Lucky. He
is my brother. Yes, we've had difficulties in the past. But it
we've put it behind us. And Lesley Lu is precious to me. Helena
is the one that kept my mother from me. She would have been a
part of my life if Helena hadn't threatened my mother and her
"Do not deceive yourself." Stavros eyes glow in his
hatred for Luke Spencer. "Spencer killed your grandfather.
He stuck me in a climate controlled coffin for decades. If Laura
didn't tell Spencer about you it was to protect you from a
premature death at his hands. You wouldn't have survived infancy
in his household or rather you wouldn't have survived after the
birth of his own child."
"Lucky isn't Luke. And Alexis isn't Kristin. You can't blame
the child for the sins of the parent. It's not right. It's not
"Isn't that what you've been doing to yourself all your
life? Fearing that you would become me? Become like me? Fulfill
the horror stories that have been spoonfed to you by your Spencer
relatives? Come to hate the part of you that is Cassadine to the
point of denying your birthright?! Isn't that why you've pushed
Gia away and not sought your own happiness? Because you are
Cassadine and therefore evil and unworthy?! Do not dare to tell
me to not blame the child until you can do the same!"
Stavros steps back and takes a deep breath.
"Natasha is a Cassadine recognized in my father's will. If
my father had lived he would have ensured her education and a
suitable marriage. Stefan took care of her education. I will do
my part. She is the one that allied herself to Jasper Jacks.
Again an unsuitable arrangement. He is the younger son of an
Australian mobster. But considering Natasha's clientele as an
attorney perhaps that is not unexpected. She seems to gravitate
toward thugs. Had I been in charge of the family her talents
would have been better utilized for the good of the family.
Helena's distain of her is not unexpected considering she is the
living proof of Mikkos unsavory alliance with an opera singer/maid
and of my father's death but I expected better of Stefan. He
should have reined her in long ago."
"They had a falling out a few years ago." Nikolas
admits. "It was about the same time as Stefan was dating
Katherine. It was when Alexis ended up defending Tony Jones for
kidnapping Michael. They've made up since then but Alexis had
already started building her private practice separate from the
family. Father... Alexis loves Ned Ashton."
Stavros shakes his head. "If she had loved Ashton she would
have married him. She didn't. She married Jax. So married to Jax
she shall be."
"It was a scam. A manipulation to deceive Chloe's aunt. They
weren't really married. They never consumated it." Nikolas
guesses on the last but figures it's a good try.
"And if it had been a manipulation, a scam, not a real
marriage then she would have made it down the aisle to her true
love, Ned Ashton. But she didn't. Because it wasn't. She ran away
from those nuptials. Literally. She married Jax. She knows she is
married to Jax. I am holding her to that truth. Alexis Davis was
accountable to no one but herself and the law. Natasha Cassadine
on the other hand will fulfill her place in this family. The
place I grant her. Natasha chose to be Cassadine when she tracked
down our father's will. And she chose Jax when she married him in
Las Vegas. Let love be the tie that binds until only death may
part them." Stavros quotes the traditional closing to a
Cassadine marriage ceremony.
Nikolas can tell that it's a closed subject from the look on his
father's face. There is no budging to be found. He sighs and rubs
his forehead. Then a thought occurs to him. "Okay."
Nikolas raises his index finger in a first point type gesture.
"I can tell you aren't moving on this one. And there is
nothing I can do to convince you differently."
"True." Stavros nods.
"And if love is the ties that binds until only death may
part... doesn't that mean... you are free? Father, you weren't
asleep, or in a coma no matter what we are telling the world. You
were dead. Doesn't that mean when you came back that you get a
clean slate? You are free of mother. And she was free to form
another alliance, no matter how unsavory you find it? By your own
rules-- Mother could marry Luke and you can find someone who will
make you happy?"
Stavros starts. "I hadn't considered it in that light."
"How about you think about that one."
"And you will consider that all things Cassadine are not
evil or unworthy including you." Stavros counters.
"Including both of us." Nikolas amends.