
Chapter XLII

Made Bed



The next morning unable to sleep, Nikolas goes into the Deception offices early. He isn't stopped by anyone which has him frowning. This was suppose to be a secure building with 24 hour onsite guards but they hadn't even looked up when he passed. Exiting onto the Deception floor, he goes over to the office that had been Carly's and it now being used for storage. He shifts the boxes to the farside of the small office, after opening each one to view the contents.
After clearing a work space, he goes out to Elton's desk and starts going thru the folders on the top of his desk. The one that catches his eye is the list of Gia's public appearances. He opens it up glancing thru it quickly wincing. Opening up the middle drawer of Elton's desk, he grabs a red pen and a ruler. One by one he starts deleting what he feels are inappropriate or counter productive appearances. By the time he is done over half of the appearances have been eliminated. He grabs a post a note from the top of Elton's desk and gives a directive--
Concentrate appearances on LA, NYC and Toronto-- movie and fashion angles. Tie in to stores where Deception is selling well. No appearances in Urban areas under 500,000 pop. Additional ad space to be bought prior to every appearance. N.C.

Elton is the first to arrive after Nikolas bustling cheerfully from the elevator but then stops in his tracks when he sees Nik. "Prince Nikolas,I didn't realize."

"You're going to have to find another place to store old promotion materials. Elton." Nik says wryly.

"Well of course, sir. I'll get right on that."

"First things first." Nik hands Elton the file he'd put the post a note on. "I've made some... amendments on Gia's schedule. I need a password to access the computer in my office. Copies of the current ad campaign-- the whole folder, please, as well as plans for the next one. Notify accounting that auditors will be there at 10am. Is there anything I've forgotten?"

Elton's eyes go wide. "How do you like your coffee?"

"Black is fine." Nikolas rises from Elton's chair. "The password?"

"I'll get right on that, Prince Nikolas."

"Just Nikolas please. My father is the Prince, not I." Nik goes into his new office. It's rather cramped with the office furniture and the boxes so he leaves the door open.

After shedding coat and scarf, Elton prepares a pot of coffee-- freshground dark roast colombian made with distilled water. He uses the time while it's dripping to gather all the information Nikolas has requested. With folders under his arm and mug of coffee in hand, he enters Nik's office. He puts the coffee on Nik's desk and hands the folders over leaning in he whispers. "Your password is on the post-a-note!"

"Thank you, Elton." The dismissal is clear in Nik's tone even as he softens it with a smile. "When will my mother be in?"

"Mrs Spencer will be in right after she drops our precious Lesley Lu at school."

"Thank you, Elton." Nik makes a production of opening the top folder. Elton takes the hint and leaves. As soon as he does, Nikolas closes the folder and entering his password accesses the personnel records.


Gia rolls over and glancing at the clock hits redial on her phone. The same number she'd been dialing most of the night without success. "Finally! Where in the hell have you been?! I've been trying to get hold of you forever and neither you nor Stavros have been answering."

There is a long pause on the other end. "What's up, Gia?"

"Elton called me yesterday. He says Nik bought your half of Deception! What the hell is going on?! I though you were going to get me out of this mess? Instead my ex is going to be all over the building. Gees Carly! I trusted you!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! As always Elton's got it a little bit wrong. Nik didn't buy my half-- he bought Laura's. She's still holding mine. That makes her the junior partner."

"Wow!" Gia puts in sarcastically. "And that helps me how?"

"Well I doubt you'll be going to anymore car shows."

"Carly, he's my EX. I can't be around him!"

"You're hardly at Deception anyway. You just call in for your schedule and show up for shoots. And you don't even have any shoots scheduled because Lucky went to Italy without you." There is a long pause. "Sonofabitch I forgot about that. Where?! Where are they, Gia?"

"Carly, I really don't think that's such a..."

"Tell me or I'll just have Stavros find out." Carly threatens coldly. "Or maybe I'll just call Nik and find out from him. Hell-- I'll have Stavros call Stefan. That'll work."


"Talk to you later." Carly hangs up.

At the annoying buzz in her ear, Gia hangs up the phone and reaching to the other pillow on the bed pulls it across her face and screams into it. Dropping the pillow, she brushes her hair back. I hate when she does that. Not for Liz. Liz can go rot but Lucky... Gia starts trying to track down the number of the Four Season hotel in Milan.



At the Cassadine compound in Uganda afternoon. "Madame?"

Alexis doesn't look up from what she is doing. "What is it, Andreas? I'm busy. These Editors at the english speaking paper don't have a clue what they are talking about. I'm in the middle of my rebuttal."

"I have your correspondance."

"Thanks just put it here. I'll read it as soon as I finish this." Alexis pats a place on the table. Andreas does so but then doesn't leave. "Is there anything else?"

"If Madame wishes I can take care of the other matter."

"The other matter?" Alexis finally looks up at Andreas and takes off her half glasses. "What other matter?"

"Your trousseau."

"My what?!"


Meanwhile in a plane flying over the Atlantic nearing the coast of the United States.

"She is a goddess, the silky smooth skin, the sunkissed blonde tresses that curl just so at the nape of her neck. Delicious shell earlopes designed by God to be nibbled on." Thaao's voice fades. "Are you listening to me?"

"What? oh yeah, right. Your latest crush." Jax gets up and paces the airplane. If he had been piloting he would have had something to do. "Someone that was at your parents' party."

"And her name it just rolls off the tongue..." Thaao continues. "Caroline." He closes his eyes as he breathes out Carly's name.

"Are you fucking crazy!" Jax finally is tuned into Thaao's romantic musing. "She's nuts. And I don't mean in a general way but in a spent time in the looney bin way!"

"Goddesses are never easy." Thaao says defiantly. "She just hasn't met the right man. She hasn't met me." Thaao puts a dramatic hand to his chest.

Jax shakes his head. Going over to the comfortable chair that Thaao is reclining on, he grabs both of the arms of the chair and leans over Thaao. "Count your blessings. She is trouble and nothing but. Black widow spider, Thaao. She'd take what she wanted and then leave you bleeding on the side of the road."

"But what a ride." Thaao muses happily contemplating Carly having her way with him. "You've met her. You know her. Tell me all about her. Does she prefer diamonds... or perhaps pearls that attempt to rival the luminence of her skin. Roses? Buds that conceal her promise or in full bloom open to all of love's possiblities?"

Jax throws his hands up in disgust. "You've lost it." Jax straightens. "You coming on this trip... whose idea was it exactly?" Jax asks suspiciously.

"I wish to only spend time with you, my old friend." Then Thaao shrugs. "My father is making good on his threat to cut me off. Or rather was going to until my mother suggested I take a vacation in the states with you... immediately."

"Glad to know they haven't lost it."

"My parents adored Caroline. It is Stavros that concerns them. His temper is legendary and my skin precious to them."

Jax rubs his throat absently. Shaving this morning had reinforced that aspect. If he didn't want questions to be raised he'd be wearing turtle necks for a week or more. "Yeah. I got that."

"What happened last night? After you left the party." Thaao asks curiously.

"When did you have time to fall for Carly anyway? You must have seen her for all of about ten seconds before we all left." Jax tries to turn the conversation round.

"She was in the solarium with my mother. I was about to make my move when my father came racing in to tell her that you had attacked Stavros."

"I attacked?!"

Thaao holds up both hands. "I'm just repeating what my father said. You attacked Stavros and then he was trying to kill you. Caroline heard that and went back into the party to break it up."

"Wanted to watch you mean." Jax says bitterly. "Yeah, she wanted to be the only witness."

"What happened after you left the party?" Thaao repeats.

"Jerry can't get into the states." Jax muses. "You want to be my best man if it comes down to it?"


"Get Stavros on the phone." Alexis snarls.

"Madame, you know it doesn't work that way." Andreas takes a step back.

"Then let me see the damn email." Alexis demands impatiently. "I want to know exactly what you are talking about."

Andreas steps around Alexis and opens the folder of incoming emails and hands the top one to Alexis. "Here you go, Madame. Congratulations on your upcoming renewal of your vows."

"Get out!" Alexis demands as she snatches the paper from Andreas hand. Andreas makes a strategic retreat.

<<< Had a lovely chat with your husband. He is quite distressed by your absence. He misses you for some reason. There is no accounting for taste. Our conversation was quite in depth abet brief. As soon as he has addressed my concerns, you will be returning to the marriage bed you made. I understand you were married in Las Vegas in some... driveby chapel.
Jax agrees that such a tawdry affair is not what he wants to tell your children and is making arrangements for a more formal renewal of vows. You are more familiar with the scope of the internet than I. I am sure you will be able to acquire a proper trousseau but make haste as your groom is impatient to have you.


Alexis stalks from her room with the email still crumpled up in her hand. She slams into the study bouncing the door off the wall and having to push the door back again as it rebounds. "I want you to send an email. Right now."

"Of course, Madam." Andreas opens up the program.

"Stavros. It's not going to happen. I am not going to marry Jax. I don't care what you do to me. Alexis." Alexis dictates her message to Stavros in terse emphatic statements.

"That's it? That's what you want me to send?" Andreas shakes his head.

"Just send it." Alexis paces the study. As soon as Andreas hits enter she is about to go back to her rooms when Andreas calls out to her.

"The Prince must be online. There is an answer."

"Read it."

"Natasha, You are already married to Jax, by your own choice. I had... other plans for you. The renewal is a formality If you have realized the error of your judgement... will you kill him or shall I? Cassadines don't divorce. Let me know as soon as possible so I can make arrangements one way or another. Thinking only of your happiness, Stavros."

"oh god." Alexis whispers. "I have to think. I have to think. This can't be happening." She walks from the study.

Closing down the email program, Andreas goes back to building Alexis' trousseau by calling up the Victoria's secret website.


Jax climbs into the cab at the Port Charles airport. Thaao climbs in beside him. "Port Charles Hotel.... No, take us to the docks."

"The docks?"

"I need to talk to Alexis' brother."

"I thought you already had."

"No, her other brother, Stefan." The trip to the docks is made in silence. As soon as they get to the docks, Jax pays the cabbie and then grabs his bags. Thaao grabs his own as well. Together they make their way to the launch for the trip to Spoon Island.

Thaao looks at the grim mansion rising up in the distance. "It's quite..."

"Gothic." Jax says wryly. "Come on." In short order they are being announced by Mrs Lansbury.

"Jax!" Bobbie greets him. "How are you? Everyone has been so worried about you."

"Ticked. Can I talk to you privately, Stefan." Stefan nods and slowly rising to his feet he stiffly makes his way to the study followed by Jax.

Thaao stays behind with Bobbie. "You have a... lovely home, Mrs Cassadine."

Bobbie winces. "Call me Bobbie. And it's a museum."

Inside the study, Stefan sits carefully behind the desk. If anything he felt worse today than yesterday and sincerely hopes that Spencer feels the same way. "We are alone. You may speak freely. Did you find Alexis."

"No, but then you didn't think I would."

"I would have preferred to be... surprised." Stefan says quietly. "But if I read you correctly... you instead encountered my brother... again. Kristina told me of your first meeting down in Puerto Rico and then your brief trip to South America." Stefan shakes his head.

"I had to do something." Jax protests.

"And instead you have done... nothing... and lost three companies in the mean time. Three companies that were not originally part of the Cassadine Estate. As well as an island I understand."

"You are well informed."

"I try." Stefan says dryly. Stefan closes his eyes and pictures the companies and the island that Jax has lost. Opening his eyes his gaze goes directly to Jax who is standing in front of his desk. "They were too close to Stavros' base of operations. He is creating a... buffer zone. I would recommend not attempting any purchases in Greece or neighboring countries."

"He thinks he can do that to me!"

"Do not confuse my brother with my mother, Mr Jacks. You really don't have anything my brother wants. What did you find out about Alexis?"

Jax sighs his disgust. "Not where she is." Jax sits down finally. "He put on some song and dance again about the sanctity of marriage. He'll give Alexis back but only at a renewal of vows between us."

Stefan winces. "Do you want to use Wyndemere? I'm sure that Barbara will accommodate you. It would be the most efficient way and would surely satisfy my brother."

"I'm not just going to roll over for your brother. How close are you to finding Alexis?"

"I have eliminated holdings in South America, North America, Most of Asia, all of Europe. Africa is more difficult as I'm sure you are aware-- the countries my mother did business with there are... unsettled. I am currently tracking some expenditures from the Estate funds." Stefan shakes his head. "Caroline knows something but she isn't passing it along to her mother. I believe she and Alexis have... issues. It is more than loyalty to my brother that is keeping her silent."

"Oh you got that right. She's enjoying this. For some reason the idea of a forced marriage between me and Alexis gives her the giggles."

Bobbie comes into the study in time to hear the last and winces. "My Gawd Caroline, what have you done?!"

"You have information, Barbara?" Stefan asks. "A possible motivation?"

Bobbie crosses her arms defensively. "Alexis was there. She is the one who pushed Carly and Sonny to get married, arranged it, found the justice of the peace and everything. Basically told Carly she had no choice. If Carly didn't marry Sonny he'd go to jail. That it was all her fault, played on Carly's guilt and her feelings for Sonny."

"So this is..."

"Payback." Bobbie nods.

"Where is Mr Jack's friend?"

"Lucas is home from school. He took Thaao down to the stables to see the horses." Stefan lifts a brow. "Yes, Stefan, I told him to not lose Thaao down in the tunnels. What are you going to do, Jax?"

"I'll play along. There are some things I have to do... to satisfy Stavros before he turns Alexis back over. You'll keep looking for her?"

Stefan nods.



"That was Gia?" Stavros says absently as he stares into the fire.

"She's freaking out cause Nikolas has half of Deception now." Carly comes over to the couch and curls up next to Stavros. Reaching around her, Stavros pulls her even closer to him-- practically laying across him. "You know that is really going to screw things up for me. It's going to make getting the other half so much harder. If he's anything like you I won't be able to slide under the radar like I have been with Laura. Heck according to Jason, Nik is already asking questions."

"You'll manage. And with the 2% that Jason is preserving for you-- in the end you and my son will butt heads on a daily basis before the year is out."

"It better be long before that." Carly retorts smartly. Then a wheedling tone enters her voice. "Stavros..."

Stavros glances down at her and sees the mischievious glint in her eye. "Haven't gone over your quota of troublemaking today, my sweet?"

"Elizabeth is in Milan." Carly looks up at Stavros and smiles.

He slowly grins back at her. "How soon can you be packed?"


"Signore Spencer, you have many messages." The clerk behind the desk informs Lucky as he arrives back from shooting at the estate that had given Elton fits. He hands over the messages.

"Thanks." Lucky looks thru them. "One from Elton, One from mom..." Lucky sorts thru them. "One two three... ten from Gia?"

"This Gia... she very insistent you call her as soon as you get back. She say the fat is in the fire?"

Lucky frowns. "Thanks. I'll take care of it."

Liz comes thru the lobby almost in a run. She carries a tabloid with her. "They are still in Switzerland." She holds up the copy of the Globe she'd gotten at the newstand. "Going to some power party in Gstaad with all the movers and shakers there."

"See babe, nothing to worry about." Lucky smiles reassuringly as he stuffs the messages in his pocket. "I have a few messages to return. You wanna do roomservice, rest up before we go out tonight?"

"Sounds good. I have to do postcards." Liz nods. Together they walk to their reserved suite of rooms. Liz get comfortable at the table and starts doing postcards to her Grandmother and Emily.

Lucky goes over to the phone and places the call back to the States. "Gia, yeah, it's Lucky. What's up." Staring at the painting on the wall, Lucky doesn't see Liz stiffening. "When? How much do they know? Yeah, thanks for the heads up. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner." Lucky hangs up the phone.

"What? What did she say? What did she tell you?" Liz demands.

"Carly and Stavros know we're in Milan."

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